Tag Archives: Home Maintenance

5 Home Projects You Should Consider Outsourcing

We live in a DIY world. If there is a video online for how to do something, there’s a good chance you can figure out how to do it. While saving money by doing certain projects yourself can be rewarding in many different ways, there are some projects that should be left to the professionals. Unless you have training in specific fields, these 5 things usually require a professional contractor:

Electrical Wiring

Without any electrical experience, you run the risk of causing damage to both yourself and your entire electrical system. Even if you do shut off the power before messing with any wiring, there can still be many issues that arise afterwards – including electrical fire. Avoid the danger and call an electrician!

Wall Removal

Knocking down a wall can sound like a fun idea. Even if you were getting excited to release any anger on that wall in your home, this is a time when it is best to call a professional. Walls are a key component in maintaining the integrity of your home and it’s structure. If you accidentally knock down a load-bearing wall, you could cause catastrophic damage.  

Foundation Alteration

The name of the structure itself should already make you proceed with caution. Your foundation is the most integral part of your home, and messing with it without experience could land you in a very tough spot.


While some flooring can easily be done alone, some of the bigger projects should be left to the professionals. If leveling the floor is part of the project, it may be time to call someone in. Having a floor that isn’t level can cause you headaches for years to come.


Just like electrical projects, plumbing projects can be extremely complicated. When not done correctly, you can end up with burst pipes, flooding, and interior water damage. Save the stress and call a plumber!

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Homeownership has plenty of perks. You can make changes whenever you want, but that also means you are responsible for making any fixes you want (or need)! Instead of calling the local handyman every time something small goes awry, you can try out these quick fixes for common bathroom issues that arise while saving yourself some money along the way.

1. Shifting Toilet Seat

Is your toilet seat wobbling every time you sit down? Sometimes, there are visible bolts to tighten, but that just doesn’t fix the issue. Many are unaware that you can actually purchase a toilet seat tightening kit. Home improvement stores will carry an inexpensive kit, usually around $10. Rather than investing in a new toilet seat, you can save time and money by picking up a kit the next time you’re out.

2. Slippery Shower

There are two main options to remedy a slippery shower. If you have a geriatric family member, a shower chair may be the best option to provide security. These chairs can be as affordable as $20 and can offer peace of mind when it comes to the safety of your loved ones. If chairs aren’t for you, a non-slip bath mat will keep you from falling in the shower and cost as much as a few coffees.

3. Clogged Shower Head

Do you normally have great water pressure, but now your shower feels like a slow leak? Your shower head is likely clogged from a build up of minerals in your water. Instead of calling the plumber or heading to the store to buy toxic chemicals, you can use ingredients already in your home to fix your problem. All you need to do is fill a sandwich bag halfway full with white vinegar, submerge the shower head into the vinegar in the bag, and tie the bag to the piping and allow the head to soak overnight. When you remove the bag, you should wipe the head to remove any excess and then your shower should be back to normal pressure.

4. Slow Drain

Consider trying a Zip-It tool. You can find one at your local hardware store for around $5, but you must be willing to deal with a little gunk. The tool is placed in the drain and pulls out whatever is clogging it, usually hair and soap. If you can get past that, you’ll save yourself the price of a plumber.

5. Leaking Water Valve

Instead of heading to the store for a replacement water supply valve, try tightening the packing nut on the valve. A quick video search online will show you which nut to tighten, and it will only take a few minutes. Now you’ve saved time and money!

While these are easy fixes to do yourself, selling your home isn’t nearly as easy to DIY. Call Scott and Mary Tynell today if you are ready to put your home on the market!

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Are You a Homebuyer Worried About Climate Risks?

The increasing effects of natural disasters are leading to new obstacles in residential real estate. As a recent article from CoreLogic explains:

“As the specter of climate change looms large, the world braces for unprecedented challenges. In the world of real estate, one of those challenges will be the effects of natural catastrophes on property portfolios, homeowners, and communities.”

That may be why, according to Zillow, more and more Americans now consider how climate risks and natural disasters can impact their homeownership plans

This study goes on to explain that climate risks affect where many people look for a home. That’s because homebuyers are interested in finding out if the house they want will be exposed to things like floods, extreme heat, and wildfires.

If you’re in the same situation and are thinking about what to do next, here’s some important information to consider as you start looking for a home.

Expert Advice for Homebuyers To Reduce Climate Risks
The first thing to do is understand how to go about buying a home while thinking about climate risks. With the right help and resources, you can simplify the process.

The Mortgage Reports provides these tips for buying your next home:

  • Evaluate climate risks: Before buying a home, it’s important to check if it’s in a flood-prone area using the FEMA website, review the seller’s property disclosure for any past damage, and get an inspection for issues like cracks and mold to make sure it’s a safe investment.
  • Consider future preventative maintenance costs: For areas that get tropical storms, you may need to purchase hurricane shutters and sandbags to protect the home. In wildfire-prone areas, you may want to clear plants five feet from the house, consider rooftop sprinklers, or possibly buy gutter guards to prevent fire hazards. Factor these future expenses in when touring homes that may need them.
  • Take steps to avoid losing your assets: Getting the right insurance for a home in a high-risk climate area is crucial. You should shop around and talk to multiple insurance agents to compare prices and options before deciding to bid on a home.

Above all else, your most valuable resource during this process is a trusted real estate expert. They’ll always focus on your goals while keeping your concerns top of mind. Even if they don’t have all the answers about how your home can handle natural disasters, they can connect you with the right experts and information.

Bottom Line
If you want to buy a home, but you’re also thinking about climate risks, you’re not alone. Your home is a big investment, and if anything can impact that, you want to know. Connect with Scott and Mary Tynell so you have someone you can trust to guide you as you find your next home.

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Major Household Dangers for Cats and Dogs

All pet parents want to keep their fur babies safe. So they may be shocked to learn their home can be a minefield of potential hazards that can cause severe harm or even death for their feline and canine family members. Cats and dogs are curious animals and tend to get into things, so nothing is foolproof. But there are some easy precautions that you can take to make it less likely that they will find something that they shouldn’t.

Most people know to keep chocolate hidden away from their pooches—it can be toxic to dogs and the APCC (Animal Poison Control Center) handles about 76 cases of chocolate exposure per day. But there’s a host of seemingly innocent items in your home that cause harm. In 2020 alone, the APCC helped more than 370,500 animals. So here’s what to keep out of paws’ reach and information on what to do if your pet is accidentally exposed to a toxin.

Crucial poison information

First things first: If you suspect your pet has ingested any poisonous substances, contact your veterinarian or call APCC’s hotline at 888-426-4435 immediately. You’ll need to provide your pet’s breed, age, weight, and health history, as well as what symptoms the animal is exhibiting. Symptoms of toxicity can vary depending on the hazard, amount consumed, size, and animal species.

Signs you may notice if your pet ingests something poisonous may be stomach upset, loss of coordination, increased or decreased urination, and seizures. All poison exposures and items cause different signs, but these are most commonly observed while others are more internal. Your vet or the APCC will ask about the product package, the strength of ingredients, and the amount your pet was exposed to, so having the product close at hand when you call is always a plus.

Danger No. 1: Human medicine

Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, vitamins, and supplements ranked as the top toxins in 2020 for the third year in a row, making up about 17% of APCC’s total case volume. Take all medications behind a closed door. Typically, it is recommended to take them in the bathroom with the bathroom door closed. That way if the pill is dropped, there will be time to search for it without having to worry about your pet finding it first. Other medications to keep locked up include antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and prescriptions.

Danger No. 2: Edible hazards

Human foods made up 13% of 2020’s total toxicity cases at APCC, with most calls about grapes, raisins, xylitol (a sugar substitute), onions, garlic, protein powder, and snack bars. Yeast dough is another danger. When eaten, yeast can rise in a pet’s moist, warm stomach and cause a dangerous gas accumulation. Beyond being painful, this may result in a bloated stomach or even a twisted stomach, known as gastric dilatation-volvulus, a serious medical emergency. In addition, the yeast can become fermented, thereby producing alcohol within the stomach that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

And of course, there’s chocolate. Chocolate, coffee, and caffeine all contain substances called methylxanthines. These compounds are stimulants. When ingested by pets, methylxanthines can cause vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and even death. Other edible dangers to keep away from your pets include alcohol, avocado, leeks, chives, and macadamia nuts.

Danger No. 3: Non-Edible hazards

Most homeowners have toxic items lying around their garage and home. Think items such as antifreeze, insecticides and pesticides, pool chemicals, and lawn fertilizer—all of which can be a significant hazard to your pets. Keep all pesticides and cleaners in high cabinets fortified with a childproof lock. Be aware that childproof rat poison containers are not pet-proof and that dogs especially can and will chew into them. Additionally, mice and rats will move blocks of rodent poisons. So they can end up in areas that are accessible to pets, even if they weren’t placed in areas that pets can get into initially. Non-edible items also include personal care products. Keep toothpaste, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, and fabric softener sheets out of snout’s reach.

Danger No. 4: Plants and flowers

Consumption of plants and flowers inside and outside the home may cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset for dogs and cats. The APCC received 9,000 more calls in 2020 than the previous year for pet plant consumption. All plants and flowers should be kept out of reach from your pet to avoid broken glass or pottery, giving them access to potentially contaminated water. And eating that actual plant or flower, could cause stomach upset or even be toxic. Instead, feature nontoxic plants in your home such as African violets, bamboo, roses, or spider plants.

Danger No. 5: Household hazards

Holiday decorations also present a danger to our furry friends. Puppies and inquisitive dogs can chew on electric cords, putting them at risk of serious burns or electric shock. Pet-proof your home just as you would childproof it for a toddler. It is also recommended to tour the house at your pet’s level to spot and remove any potential temptations from their view.

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7 Benefits of Pressure Washing Your House

Pressure washing is a great way to clean the exterior of your home without having to scrub down every nook and cranny. You might be surprised by what parts of your home you can pressure wash—siding, concrete, outdoor furniture and cushions are all good candidates. And though having a squeaky-clean home is certainly a perk, there are a few other big benefits of pressure washing you should consider.

What Exactly Is Pressure Washing?
Pressure washing uses highly pressurized water to wash away dirt, debris, and other buildup on hard surfaces. People often use the terms power washing and pressure washing interchangeably, and it’s true that they’re very similar. The only difference between power and pressure washing is that the former uses heated water while the latter does not. Because of their similarities, we’ll discuss the benefits of both power and pressure washing here:

7 Pressure Washing Benefits
In addition to cleaning the exterior of your home, pressure washing has several other benefits.

1. Prevents Damage
The substances that build up in your home can stain the exterior surfaces and even cause damage. Mold, mildew, and algae can grow and feed on the paint, deteriorating the siding over time. Power washing lets you remove these harmful substances from your home’s exterior and gets into the tight spaces that you might miss otherwise.

2. Saves Money
As the saying with health goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; you can apply the same philosophy to your home. Pressure washing the outside of your home and protecting it from damage that buildup can cause will be less costly in the long run than repairs. Preventative maintenance helps your home retain its value while keeping it looking fresh and clean.

3. Prevents Allergen Buildup
Airborne mold spores, pollen, and dust mites are all allergy triggers that affect millions of adults and children across the US. Power washing removes all of those nasty substances, preventing them from making their way into your home and negatively impacting your family’s health. By adding power washing the exterior of your home to your cleaning list once a year, you can help keep everyone in your home more comfortable.

4. Saves Time
Can you imagine getting a bucket full of soap and water and hand-washing the entire exterior of your home? It would take a long time and a lot of elbow grease. Pressure washing is efficient and effective, saving you time and effort that you can redirect elsewhere (like spring cleaning indoors!).

5. Primes Surfaces
Leaving dirt, grime, or dust on your home and painting over it is a surefire way to ruin your paint job. New paint adheres best to a clean, dry surface. If you’re planning to paint or refinish the outside of your home, a good power washing beforehand can ensure that your new job looks great and lasts for a long time.

6. Lets You See What Needs Repairs
It can be more difficult to spot imperfections on your home’s exterior than in the interior, which means you may not catch issues until they become a big problem. Pressure washing your home will allow you to see any small or large dings, scrapes, or other forms of damage so that you can do repairs promptly.

7. Increases Curb Appeal
It may go without saying, but a clean house looks better than a dirty one, both inside and out. Power washing your home can be an instant facelift for your exterior, especially if you’ve never cleaned the outside of your home or it’s been a while. And if you’re trying to sell your home, everything must look as good as it can, inside and out.

How Much Does Power Washing Cost?
The cost of power washing a 2,000-square-foot home usually averages between $200 and $300. Hiring a professional pressure washer near you comes with its perks; they’ll bring their own washer and cleaning solution, and experienced professionals will know how to get the job done without damage. Power washing uses high-powered jets, and if you don’t do the job properly, you can damage your gutters, siding, and landscaping.

Can You DIY Pressure Washing?
If you feel confident and want to DIY your pressure washing project, you can generally rent a pressure washer for between $40 and $100 from your local home improvement store. In the market to buy a power or pressure washer? An electric model will set you back anywhere from $100 to $400, and a gas model usually runs between $300 and $600.

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Fall Home Tips: Prepare Your Property for the Changing Season

As the leaves change color and the temperature drops, it’s time to prepare your home for the fall season. From maintenance tasks to cozy decor ideas, these fall home tips will help you create a warm and inviting atmosphere for potential buyers and ensure that your property remains in top condition. Take advantage of this seasonal shift and maximize your real estate opportunities. Read on for some essential tips to get started.

  1. Exterior Maintenance: (a.) Clean the gutters: Remove leaves and debris from your gutters to prevent water damage and potential clogging. (b.) Inspect the roof: Check for loose or damaged shingles and address necessary repairs. (c.) Trim trees and shrubs: Prune overgrown branches to prevent them from causing damage during storms.
  2. Prepare the Yard: (a.) Rake the leaves: Keep your yard well-maintained by raking fallen leaves regularly. (b.) Plant seasonal flowers: Add pops of color to your front yard with fall flowers such as mums or pansies. (c.) Store outdoor furniture: Protect your outdoor furniture by storing it properly or covering it with weatherproof covers.
  3. Cozy Interior Updates: (a.) Warm color palette: Embrace the fall ambiance by incorporating warm hues such as deep reds, burnt oranges, and earthy browns into your home decor. (b.) Layered textiles: Add cozy throw blankets, plush rugs, and textured pillows to create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere. (c.) Fall-inspired scents: Use scented candles or diffusers with fragrances like cinnamon, pumpkin spice, or apple cider to create a comforting aroma.
  4. Energy Efficiency: (a.) Check windows and doors for drafts: Seal any gaps or cracks with weatherstripping or caulking to prevent heat loss and save on energy bills. (b.) Insulate pipes: Protect your pipes from freezing temperatures by insulating them with foam sleeves. (c.) Schedule a heating system check-up: Ensure that your heating system is in good working condition before the colder weather arrives.
  5. Safety Measures: (a.) Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Replace batteries and ensure these devices are functioning properly. (b.) Check fire extinguishers: Make sure your fire extinguishers are up-to-date and easily accessible. (c.) Install outdoor lighting: As daylight hours decrease, consider installing motion-sensor lights for added safety and security.

Bottom Line
By following these fall home tips, you can create an inviting and cozy atmosphere while also ensuring that your property is well-maintained and prepared for the changing season. With a little effort and attention to detail, you can attract potential buyers and make a lasting impression. Embrace the fall season and make your property shine in the real estate market.

Remember, Scott and Mary are here to assist you with further questions or real estate-related topics. Happy fall preparations!

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Essential Home Repairs: A Guide for Homeowners

Keeping a home in good condition requires regular maintenance and occasional repairs. As a homeowner, understanding the essential home repairs can save you time, money, and potential headaches down the road. In this blog post, we will explore some common home repairs that every homeowner should be familiar with.

  1. Plumbing Repairs: A leaky faucet, clogged drain, or running toilet are common plumbing issues that homeowners encounter. Knowing how to fix these minor plumbing problems can prevent water wastage and avoid costly repairs. We will discuss simple solutions and when to call a professional plumber.
  2. Electrical Repairs: Faulty wiring or malfunctioning electrical fixtures can be dangerous and should be addressed promptly. We will provide guidance on basic electrical repairs, such as replacing a light switch or installing a ceiling fan. However, it’s important to emphasize the importance of hiring a licensed electrician for complex electrical work.
  3. Roof Repairs: A well-maintained roof is crucial for protecting your home from the elements. From replacing damaged shingles to fixing leaks, we will discuss some common roof repairs that homeowners may encounter. We will also highlight the importance of regular roof inspections to identify potential issues before they become major problems.
  4. HVAC Repairs: A properly functioning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. We will provide tips on troubleshooting common HVAC problems, such as uneven cooling or heating issues. However, it’s important to note that complex HVAC repairs should be left to certified technicians.
  5. Structural Repairs: Over time, homes may experience structural issues, such as foundation cracks or sagging floors. We will discuss signs of potential structural problems and provide guidance on when to seek professional help. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your home.

Bottom Line
By familiarizing yourself with essential home repairs, you can become a proactive homeowner and tackle minor issues before they escalate into major problems. Remember, while some repairs can be handled independently, it’s important to recognize when it’s time to call in a professional. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs will not only keep your home in good condition but also help preserve its value in the long run.

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Tips To Beautify Rooms In Your Home

There’s no place like home, so why not make home the most beautiful and cozy place you can stay in? Let’s dive into some techniques that can help you showcase the best features of every room in your house. Just a touch of color, texture, and personality can transform your home into something new. Here are a few tips that aren’t a lot of hassle:  


Sticking with a neutral scheme can never go wrong, but if you’re feeling like your room is a little drab, don’t be afraid to go with a bold color. You can do an accent wall that compliments the current color scheme or use your furniture or accent pieces to bring a touch of color. Color doesn’t have to mean clutter – you can keep the rest of the room simple and add a dramatic touch with a few elements.


Bringing in some mirrors can add light and room to your space. Using mirrors in staging is known to help the room look like it’s much bigger than it is. Add a few accent mirrors, preferably right across the room from a window, to brighten up your space and keep it from feeling too tight and small.


We get it, furniture can get expensive, but there is so much you can do with a room by just getting creative with accessories. Get some unique decorative pieces and let your room tell a story through them. Hop down to your closest antique store and grab some pieces that are bold. You can also head into Hobby Lobby or TJ Maxx, where they have beautiful and unique decorative pieces that are incredibly affordable.


Nothing gives a space some life like some life, literally. Add some plants to your rooms, lots of green ones that are easy to keep alive, to add a unique touch to the room. You’d be surprised how much a room looks “finished” when you add a beautiful tree to the corner of a room.


The natural light, we mean. Don’t block out your windows with heavy drapes or hide them behind furniture. Decorate your room in a way that compliments the windows and brings the natural light in.


Use fur throws or pillows, use patterns in your fabrics, etc. Don’t be afraid to add unique textures throughout the home. It gives your eyes something to land on as they are looking around the room. You can even use metallics! Don’t overdo it, because then it can get overwhelming. Just get a few textures that complement each other and put them in clever places around your room.


A tip you’ll hear often is that nothing brings the best out in a room better than getting rid of all the clutter and junk. If you have a hard time walking around your room or finding things, it may be time to get a few boxes and start cleaning out the things that don’t really belong.

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Simple Ways to Refresh Your Space

It’s easy to get sick of your home decor, especially if you have been staying home a lot.  With the warmer weather approaching, take some time to give your home a little refresh.  There’s no need to do a complete makeover of your home, just switch up a few things.  You’ll be surprised how a few simple changes can give you a whole new outlook!

Take Advantage of Natural Light
With spring on the horizon, we are starting to see a little more sun peeking out, so open those blinds and bask in the natural light. Instead of flipping on your lights in the morning, pull back the curtains and let sunshine fill your home.  The simple act of opening your windows can help lift your mood, and you’ll save a little on your electric bill too.

You can also take advantage of the natural light to add in some more houseplants or help your current ones thrive! By simply adding in natural light, you have so many options to refresh and enjoy your living space. 

Give Your Home a Good Clean
It seems simple but giving your space a deep cleaning and decluttering can instantly revitalize a room and make your home much more livable.  Even if you only go this far, it will surely make a major difference in refreshing your home. Set goals to clean and declutter one space at a time, and then work to organize anything left behind.  This is an easy and rewarding way to give your home a quick refresh!

Change Up Your Bedding
Making small updates to your bedroom, like changing up your bedding can change the whole look of your room and give it a fresh feel. This is the perfect time of year to wake up your bedroom with some new bedding. Or simply refresh your look by switching out your heavy winter blankets, throws, and pillows with lighter-weight and lighter-toned versions.  You could also add some throw pillows or a blanket at the end of your bed to add different textures and colors. 

Rearrange Your Furniture
Rearranging your furniture is an easy and free way to completely transform your space.  Try changing up things or even losing pieces that just don’t fit. You’d be surprised how doing this can make your space seem more open and change the whole look of the room, while also becoming more functional. Plus, it’s kind of fun to shake things up a bit and change your furniture layout.

If you are feeling bored with your space, you don’t have to completely remodel your home to switch things up! By swapping out a few pieces, adding in some new decor, or even letting more light in, you can achieve the looks you want.  These are all cheap and easy alternatives that will have a major impact on your living space!

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How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

They probably called it a cave sale, those first men and women who displayed and sold used, unwanted goods to friends and strangers. For as long as it has been true that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, garage sales have benefited both buyer and seller. So before throwing your own worldly possessions on the front lawn, check out the following suggestions for garage sale success:

What to Sell

1. Because variety is the spice of life, garage sale shoppers prefer sales that feature a little bit of everything. If you have nothing but used clothing and toys to sell, wait until you can pull together a few more items.

2. When deciding what to sell, never underestimate the value for absolute junk. If you have not used something in the past year, put it up for sale.

3. Since dealers and antique collectors frequent garage sales, proudly display one-of-a-kind items.

4. Dressers, bookcases, baskets, tables, toys, and tools attract traffic.

5. If you sell appliances, make sure they work. Have an outlet handy so buyers can plug in that old TV set before buying it.

How to Price

1. Put price tags on items. Customers may assume that unmarked items are out of their price range.

2. Be prepared to haggle. Price everything at twice the price you really want for it so you can accept offers for half price. Most garage sale enthusiasts love to negotiate. But it is okay to say, “I am firm on that price.”

3. Take a hint from retail vendors who mark down slow sellers. If an item does not move, ask a little less.

4. Do not charge more than half the retail value of your merchandise. In fact, most Web garage sale sites recommend pricing items at 10 to 30 percent of retail.

How to Display

1. Clean everything. Dirty dishes fetch a far lower price than their clean counterparts.

2. Large items bring the most foot traffic. If you sell a couch or table early in the day, ask if you can keep the item with a “sold” sign on it until the end of the day.

3. Clothing on racks sells higher than similar items thrown on a blanket. If possible, hang a line in your garage or buy a portable rack. People who dig through boxes expect to pay much less for those items.

4. Clearly mark your sales area. If you have a sale in your garage, cover the lawn mower, shovels, and rakes.

5. Attract attention with eye-catching balloons and signs.

How to Advertise

1. Place an ad in a weekly or daily newspaper. If you partner with neighbors on a mutually convenient weekend, you can usually convince them to share the cost with you.

2. Make plenty of bold, bright, neatly lettered signs. Place them at strategic locations, directing traffic to your neighborhood, street, and house. But do not forget to take them down when the sale is over!

3. Do not sponge off of your neighbors’ advertising. If he places ads and posts signs for his own sale, offer to split costs, or wait for another day to sell your stuff.

When to Sell

1. Check the weather forecast before planning your sale. Even if you plan to have your sale indoors, inclement weather may keep your customers at home.

2. Saturday is often the best day for a yard or garage sale, though this varies regionally. In some places, people tend to favor Thursday or Friday sales. If you are new to an area, ask around to see which days are the most popular for sales.

What to Do with Leftovers

1. Store unsold items for another day. What is not of interest now may be in high demand next year.

2. Make arrangements to have unsold items picked up by the Salvation Army or other charitable organization. Most provide receipts for taxable donations. To calculate the fair market value of donated items, talk to your accountant. You will probably be surprised by how much you can claim.

3. Give the items away. What does not sell is usually snapped up when placed near a sign that says, “FREE.”

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