Category Archives: Living in Your Home

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

They probably called it a cave sale, those first men and women who displayed and sold used, unwanted goods to friends and strangers. For as long as it has been true that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, garage sales have benefited both buyer and seller. So before throwing your own worldly possessions on the front lawn, check out the following suggestions for garage sale success:

What to Sell

1. Because variety is the spice of life, garage sale shoppers prefer sales that feature a little bit of everything. If you have nothing but used clothing and toys to sell, wait until you can pull together a few more items.

2. When deciding what to sell, never underestimate the value for absolute junk. If you have not used something in the past year, put it up for sale.

3. Since dealers and antique collectors frequent garage sales, proudly display one-of-a-kind items.

4. Dressers, bookcases, baskets, tables, toys, and tools attract traffic.

5. If you sell appliances, make sure they work. Have an outlet handy so buyers can plug in that old TV set before buying it.

How to Price

1. Put price tags on items. Customers may assume that unmarked items are out of their price range.

2. Be prepared to haggle. Price everything at twice the price you really want for it so you can accept offers for half price. Most garage sale enthusiasts love to negotiate. But it is okay to say, “I am firm on that price.”

3. Take a hint from retail vendors who mark down slow sellers. If an item does not move, ask a little less.

4. Do not charge more than half the retail value of your merchandise. In fact, most Web garage sale sites recommend pricing items at 10 to 30 percent of retail.

How to Display

1. Clean everything. Dirty dishes fetch a far lower price than their clean counterparts.

2. Large items bring the most foot traffic. If you sell a couch or table early in the day, ask if you can keep the item with a “sold” sign on it until the end of the day.

3. Clothing on racks sells higher than similar items thrown on a blanket. If possible, hang a line in your garage or buy a portable rack. People who dig through boxes expect to pay much less for those items.

4. Clearly mark your sales area. If you have a sale in your garage, cover the lawn mower, shovels, and rakes.

5. Attract attention with eye-catching balloons and signs.

How to Advertise

1. Place an ad in a weekly or daily newspaper. If you partner with neighbors on a mutually convenient weekend, you can usually convince them to share the cost with you.

2. Make plenty of bold, bright, neatly lettered signs. Place them at strategic locations, directing traffic to your neighborhood, street, and house. But do not forget to take them down when the sale is over!

3. Do not sponge off of your neighbors’ advertising. If he places ads and posts signs for his own sale, offer to split costs, or wait for another day to sell your stuff.

When to Sell

1. Check the weather forecast before planning your sale. Even if you plan to have your sale indoors, inclement weather may keep your customers at home.

2. Saturday is often the best day for a yard or garage sale, though this varies regionally. In some places, people tend to favor Thursday or Friday sales. If you are new to an area, ask around to see which days are the most popular for sales.

What to Do with Leftovers

1. Store unsold items for another day. What is not of interest now may be in high demand next year.

2. Make arrangements to have unsold items picked up by the Salvation Army or other charitable organization. Most provide receipts for taxable donations. To calculate the fair market value of donated items, talk to your accountant. You will probably be surprised by how much you can claim.

3. Give the items away. What does not sell is usually snapped up when placed near a sign that says, “FREE.”

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Gardening Tips to Help Your Yard

Though millions of households at the beginning of the year already had their own gardens started, there should be no surprise that the numbers are on the rise. With everything going on in the world, the idea of not having to leave the comfort of your home for sustenance is quite appealing. Not only is gardening a great way to source your own food, but it is also an excellent way to pass the time if you feel like you have a bit extra on your hands at the moment. If you have never gardened before, doing a little research ahead of time can make all the difference in how well your garden succeeds. Here are a few tips to help you get started!

Start Inside

Though temperatures are on the rise, evenings may still be chilly depending on where you live. Starting your vegetable growth indoors will protect them from any potential freezing. Growing your seedlings indoors also gives them the opportunity to get a little stronger before facing the harsh conditions that can arise outside.

Choose The Best Location

Before preparing your garden, you will want to find out what spot in your yard is best for your beds. You will likely want a spot where there is direct sun for at least 8 hours a day, as this is the norm for many vegetables.

Install Raised Beds

Once you have found the best location and your seedlings are growing, you will want to prepare your garden for transfer. Using raised beds allows for a deep soil stack for further root growth and can make planting easier. It can even prevent unwanted critters from stealing your vegetables!

Add Pollinating Attractions & Bug Repellant

Bugs are not always bad. Having those around who will pollinate your flowering vegs can be extremely beneficial, therefore it is always helpful to plant flowers who attract pollinators. At the same time, planting herbs like mint and lavender will repel bad bugs and even rabbits and other animals.

Consider An Irrigation System

Properly watering is a key part of having a plentiful garden. While you may be home now for those morning and evening waterings, it might be a little hard to keep up with once you are back at work if you have to leave during the day. Investing in a drip irrigation system will save you time and money, as it slowly soaks your plants without over watering.

We are happy to help you choose the best spot in your yard and share what we have found works best on Cape Cod, just give us a call! 508-296-0016

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Not Happy With the Listing Price? Here’s What to Do

Arguments, disagreements, even confrontation? When a couple is selling a home, it is possible that they may face all three. However, we are not talking about the usual stressful situations that can occur between partners when it comes to the home sale process.

As if selling your home was not cause enough for a little uneasiness, what if you fully disagree with some advice that you get from your real estate agent? In fact, what if you think your home should be listed for a higher price than your agent recommends? Before your frustration level bubbles over and you decide to abandon your entire home sale altogether, relax… you have dealt with a little disagreement before, right?

Here are three handy ways to approach a difference in opinion with your real estate agent when it comes to your home’s listing price:

Keep Perspective – As the saying goes, “you’ve got to give credit where credit is due.” So, first and foremost, remember that your real estate agent has training and experience to back up their recommendation. Also keep in mind that they’ve done a comparative market analysis of similar area homes that are currently listed or have recently sold. They did not simply pull their recommendation out of thin air!
If you have scoured the web and a site like Zillow suggests that your home is worth more than your real estate agent recommends, it is important to note that a Zillow estimate is merely a starting point that is calculated from public data and user-submitted information, as stated on the site. Your real estate agent is able to assess your home’s interior and current market conditions in your area before recommending a listing price.

Demand More Proof – Now, you know that your real estate agent puts in some serious work before recommending your home’s listing price. But, if you’re not satisfied with their recommendation, ask for a further explanation! We have talked about a comparative market analysis of similar area homes; ask your agent to show you information about the homes they compared to yours. Get a greater understanding of the homes that are on the market or those that have recently sold.

Communicate! – As with any disagreement, keeping the lines of communication open is vital. You trust your real estate agent and have reviewed your comparative market analysis, but you still think your home should be listed at more than what your real estate agent recommends? Tell them!
Your agent works for you, which means they should work with you! But, don’t expect them to know you’re unhappy with their recommendation simply by casting sideways glances and giving the silent treatment! Voice your concerns and talk through your listing price until you reach a point where you’re satisfied.

The home sale process can be stressful enough. There is no need to add in extra frustration by disagreeing with your real estate agent over your home’s listing price.

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Finished Basements: Do They Add Value?

Whether you are an owner looking to invest in your property or a real estate professional working to help a seller, the topic of basement remodeling is sure to come up. Before beginning any project, it is important to understand what you want out of the remodel, what is possible on your budget and whether you will receive a return on your investment when you decide to sell your home. Achieving a return on investment can sometimes be difficult. The following are three key considerations for you to keep in mind.

If you are taking a basement from unfinished to finished, you will have to take moisture into account. Any leaks, condensation or flooding will have to be dealt with before you start remodeling. This can be a large factor in your rate of return, because the cost to fix these issues can run into the thousands of dollars. If you neglect to deal with these issues first, however, you will pay far more in mold removal, ruined carpets and musty smells.

Labor costs
If you plan on hiring contractors, keep in mind labor is typically the largest part of the cost. A rule of thumb is materials are about one-third of the cost to the owner and labor accounts for the other two-thirds. This means handy homeowners can save significant money by doing part of the remodeling job by themselves. Keep in mind attempting to do a job you are not qualified for may end up causing damage or simply look shoddy, which can ultimately mean more expense to pay someone to undo your mistakes. Plumbing and electrical work should always be left to professionals, yet installing insulation, hanging drywall, painting and even installing carpet may be within reach.

Often, for a basement room to be considered a bedroom, building codes will require a basement have a window large enough for occupants to safely escape in the event of a fire, and for a firefighter to enter wearing full gear. This is important, because adding an exit to your basement’s foundation can be expensive if there isn’t one present already.

Remodeling a basement can be fun, yet to receive the best return on your investment, it may take some elbow grease. For those homeowners willing to take the time to do the job inexpensively and effectively, however, there can be a significant payoff.

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Accessory Dwelling Units: Tips for Building One!

Before building an accessory dwelling unit, there are some legal, design, and financial implications to consider. Accessory dwelling units or ADUs — those separate living units tucked inside a single family home or sharing land with one — are increasing in popularity. Dozens of cities and counties, and at least nine states have changed or adopted laws that make it easier and more attractive for homeowners to build ADUs. For homeowners, ADUs can be a source of rental income or serve as living quarters for adult children or extended family, a work-at-home space, a place to escape to, or run a home-based business.

Still, there are enough challenges involved in building one that they are usually undertaken only by homeowners with the motivation, money, knowledge, and confidence to see the project through. The rewards can be substantial for those willing and able to build one.

What is an ADU?

An ADU can be:

  • a newly constructed stand-alone structure
  • a home addition that creates a separate living quarter
  • conversion of an existing space such as garage or basement into a separate dwelling
  • ADUs are commonly known by other names, including in-law apartment, granny flat, casitas, she-shed, or backyard cottage. Once common prior to World War II, they are considered a more affordable source of housing because they can be built without having to purchase land — usually the biggest component of housing prices, especially in expensive coastal cities.

Changes in state and local laws could speed up the construction of ADUs and streamline the process for building them.  If you’re thinking about building an ADU, or buying a home with the intention of building an ADU for rental income or multi-generational living, here are some things to consider:

1. Can I build an ADU on my property? 

Before you start sketching layouts and picking paint colors for an ADU, check with your city or county department that oversees planning, construction, or zoning to make sure you’re allowed to build, what you’re allowed to build, and where. Rules around ADUs vary widely across the country, and can vary among cities in the same state. If your home falls under the governance of a homeowners association (HOA), be sure to check the rules there as well.

2. Who can I hire to build an ADU?

If you’re thinking of building an ADU as a DIY project, do a realistic assessment of your skills and how much you’re prepared to take on. While it’s certainly possible to be your own contractor, it requires knowledge, time, and coordination.  If you’re the kind of person who thrills to the challenge and satisfaction of building something from scratch and you’re eager to learn what it takes, you’ve hit the lottery. 

Developing land — and this is basically what you’re doing when you construct a new building — requires attention to things you might not anticipate, including construction permits, utility connections and scheduling work at the right cadence.  More likely, you can expect to hire professionals to do some or all of the work, including the following: 

  • Design: An architect and/or engineer to draw up plans. If you’re considering a pre-fabricated or manufactured home or a kit for DIY assembly, check with your local building department to make sure the home you’re considering meets local building codes.
  • Construction: A general contractor who can act as conductor for the entire project, or individual contractors who for electrical or plumbing work. 
  • Site work: Water, power, sewage and grading, if needed. 
  • If you’re hiring professionals, get recommendations from people who can vouch for their work. The Federal Trade Commissions has some good tips on what to look for before hiring a contractor. 

Interest and growth in ADU development has given rise to companies who bill themselves as one-stop shops for ADUs. Some offer their own models to choose from, which could make it less expensive than building a custom ADU.  If you opt for a pre-fabricated or manufactured home that can be delivered to your property, check with your city or county building department to make sure it meets local building codes.

3. How much does it cost to build an ADU?

As a general rule, ADUs aren’t cheap. Even without the land costs, the cost of construction — and viable ways of paying for it — are limited. The cost will depend on the size and type of ADU, and the local wages. 

You can save money on the design if you live in a city that offers “pre-approved” building plans that homeowners can use to build their ADU either for free or for a licensing fee. The plans, which can be customized to a degree, speed up the review process because they already meet the city’s building code and design guidelines.

Fixed costs in new construction, such as excavation and laying a foundation, make even small ADUs expensive. Given the fixed costs, some homeowners choose to build to the maximum size allowed in their jurisdiction since adding additional square footage is relatively inexpensive. Some cities or counties charge “impact fees” for larger buildings, so check with your local building department when considering the size of your build.

4. Can I finance an ADU?

Financing can be the hardest part of the process. That’s because the majority of traditional lenders don’t offer loans to construct ADUs, and the few that do generally write loans only for work done by professional contractors. Those loans tend to carry higher interest rates and require mortgage insurance. Due to those factors, most people put together a patchwork of sources to pay for their ADU.

5. How might I save on the construction cost of an ADU?

Converting an existing space into a separate living unit is likely to cost less than new construction, although things can get pricey if you choose high-end finishes. Another way to cut costs is to build a dwelling from plans that have been “pre-approved” by your county or city building department. Buying a pre-built model or kit home also may offer a way to cut costs, but be sure to factor in all applicable costs, including utility hookups. Some pre-built models only include the structure itself, so be sure to factor in the cost of finishing the inside and installing electric and plumbing. You also might save money by purchasing used materials such as doors, cabinets, flooring and  windows that have been salvaged from other construction or demolition projects. Check your local business listings to see if there are salvage businesses nearby. Whatever you decide, you’ll want to make sure the space is inviting. 

6. Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) in your real estate market

In cities with high housing costs, rental income can pay for the costs of development in a matter of years, while providing a homeowner with future options for downsized living without having to move from their home. Legally permitted ADUs also tend to add value to a property. Some localities have created ADU calculators to help people determine whether area rents will generate enough to cover monthly expenses. Beyond that, there are considerations about what is involved in being a landlord. While ADUs do not promise instant riches, they can be a good way to build some wealth over time.

Give us a call to review your options depending on location and size whereas this is not an issue widely accepted on Cape Cod.

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4 Inspiring Kitchen Upgrades Trending Now

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4 Inspiring Kitchen Upgrades Trending Now

For many households, the kitchen tends to be one of the most-used spaces in the home. It’s where you cook, entertain and have family dinner. And even when it’s not mealtime, the kitchen often becomes a gathering place for snacking, doing homework and spending time together.

Does your current kitchen live up to your expectations and meet your needs? If not, it’s time for a few upgrades. For inspiration, take a look at these trending renovation and remodeling projects.

  1. Mix open shelving with functional hidden storage. Open shelving is big these days, but it’s not the best option for everyone. Mixing open shelves with hidden storage often makes more sense (especially if you have a lot of stuff to store). For the best of both worlds, consider pull-out drawers beneath your cabinets, revolving trays inside the closed-off areas, and tables with built-in storage compartments.
  2. Opt for bold colors on cabinets. White kitchens had their moment, but bolder hues are becoming more popular now. You’ll probably start seeing more greens, purples and blues — brighter and deeper tones that really catch the eye and show off some personality.
  3. Choose unique flooring. While sleek stone and tile will always be in, today’s designers are also getting creative with unique flooring choices. They’re mixing up light and dark woods, opting for herringbone patterns, and using reclaimed wood to add character.
  4. Go multipurpose. The kitchen isn’t just for eating and cooking. For many, it’s where we work remotely, log into virtual schooling, or even get our exercise in. Finding ways to make your kitchen more functional and useful to all family members is a trend that’s sure to stick around.

Need more help deciding on value building renovations? Considering buying a new home instead of remodeling? Get in touch with us today.

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How to Wallpaper a Small Bathroom

Calculate the square footage of the bathroom which was 300 square feet of walls to buy the correct amount of wallpaper. Example: A 300 sqft. bathroom will use about 6 rolls (56 sq. ft. each) of wallpaper. 

Materials Needed

  • Wallpaper
  • Paste brush
  • Scissors
  • Level
  • Adhesive
  • Utility blade
  • Metal Spatula
  • Plastic Spatula

Step 1: Cutting the paper

Measure from the top to the bottom of the walls and add 2 inches on top and bottom. Those extra inches will help when you are putting up the wallpaper and matching up the pattern.

Step 2: Drawing the Plumb Line

This is the line you have to draw vertically all the way around the walls to match up the wallpaper evenly. With a level on the wall draw the width of the wallpaper and the length as well, add one inch to the width.

Step 3: Keeping it Organized

With a pencil name each strip of wallpaper you cut with a letter from A-Z. This order will make it easier to match up the wallpaper. Make sure you are matching the patterns before you put it up.

Step 4: Pasting Wallpaper

Pour the adhesive in a paint tray. With a clean paint brush coat the walls with a thin layer of adhesive. It is easier to work with the width of just one strip of wallpaper at a time so you don’t have to rush.

Step 5: Putting Up The First Sheet

Start from the top and leave 2 inches on top and match the pattern. With a plastic spatula smooth out the wallpaper along with soft hands until all the wrinkles are gone.

Step: 6: Cutting The Extra Two Inches On Top

With a sharp utility blade and a metal spatula place the metal spatula at the edge and run the blade along the spatula so it cannot cut the wallpaper. Do this all the way along the extra paper until it’s all cut off.

Follow this pattern all the way around the bathroom space. If there are walls that are shorter just cut the strips in half to make it easier to move around.

Give us a call for a list of our trusted contractors if this project seems overwhelming to you.

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Build a Solar Greenhouse

Growing your own fruits and veggies is a rewarding pastime — and it’s good for your body, mind and spirit. And when you have a solar greenhouse, you can reap those positive benefits all year long while also caring for the environment.

What Is a Solar Greenhouse?

All greenhouses use the sun, but solar greenhouses harness that solar power for more than just growing tasty veggies. Traditional greenhouses made of glass or plastic usually rely on fossil fuels to provide additional heating needs during colder months. A solar greenhouse, on the other hand, creates a warm, nurturing environment all year long using nothing more than natural materials, energy-efficient design and the power of the sun.

How to Build a Solar Greenhouse

If you’re ready to get your hands dirty, here’s what you need to know to build your own little piece of gardening heaven.

  1. Pick the perfect spot

Before strapping on your tool belt, make sure the patch you pick receives optimal sun exposure. Situate your greenhouse so that it faces south, with a slight orientation to the east. This helps maximize early morning sunlight and offers some protection from overheating in the late afternoon. It also ensures full sun exposure during the winter when the sun rises in the southeast.

  1. Create a workable footprint

Determine the square footage you need and plot out the layout of your garden. Consider things like the room you will need to comfortably move between planting beds and rows. The overall size of your greenhouse should be based on how much planting area you need to produce the amount of food you want to grow.

  1. Select the right materials

Because solar power runs the whole show, you need to use a material that will let at least 70 percent of the light through (transmissivity) while minimizing energy loss (R-value). You will maximize your garden’s production when you have a balance between those two variables. Polycarbonate is a sustainable material that can provide the appropriate amount of transmissivity and R-value.

  1. Insulate your space

To keep your garden thriving all year long, your greenhouse needs to be able to trap solar energy and provide heat during cold weather. This is where that R-value can really make a difference. Select the level of thermal resistance you need based on the number of growing seasons you plan on. The northern wall needs to be fully insulated — but if you’re in a colder climate, you may want to insulate the east and west walls as well as the floor and the perimeter. Speak to a local nursery or greenhouse designer to find out the R-value and insulation recommendations for your climate.

  1. Let some air in

Ventilation is a crucial part of keeping your plants healthy and cooling down your greenhouse. Fresh moving air also helps cut down on pests and diseases. The most sustainable solution is to maximize natural ventilation: install intake vents down low and place exhaust vents up high. Cool air will enter through the intake vents, rise as it warms, and exit through the exhaust vents. You can control ventilation with automated solar-powered vent openers and/or exhaust fans.

  1. Use thermal mass

Materials that are capable of storing heat and energy supply thermal mass to your greenhouse. Thermal mass is especially important if you plan to grow throughout the winter. Water, stone, used concrete and cob are all good sources of thermal mass. Depending on your space constraints, you can install large drums of water or use stone or cob on the floor or north wall.

  1. Get soil and irrigation right

A greenhouse creates an environment that makes plants grow faster, bigger, and longer. To support optimum growing conditions, you need the right soil. Do not build on a concrete slab as it will prevent access to nurturing subsoils. Instead, build on the ground and add compost and mulch to keep soil full of nutrients. Use a rainwater drip irrigation system to further harness the power of nature. Rainwater is free of chlorine and other additives and naturally contains nitrogen, which your plants need.

Now that you know the basics of building a solar greenhouse, look for plans that meet your needs and get started. If you need more yard space, give us a call at 508-296-0016. Happy planting!

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Heated Floors: What You Need to Know

Picture this – it’s a chilly winter morning and when you step into your kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee, your bare feet are warmed by the floor beneath you. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Heated floors are a great alternative to traditional heating methods, and they can keep your home, and your toes, warm all winter.  So whether you are planning your next home remodel in Cincinnati, OH, or considering buying a home with heated floors in Toronto, CA, here is everything you need to know when deciding if heated flooring is the right choice for your home.

What are heated floors?

Heated floors, also known as radiant heating, are a type of heat system that is located underneath the flooring of the home. With radiant heating, the warmth rises evenly from below via heat radiation, so the temperature of the room is uniform from top to bottom, rather than hot air rising from forced-air systems. Although expensive to install upfront, this efficient way of heating is a great alternative to traditional heating methods and may be worthwhile for your household in the long run.

What are the different types of heated floors and how do they work?

There are two types of radiant floor heating systems: hydronic and electric.

  • Hydronic radiant floor heating: With this type of radiant heating system, hot water is generated from a boiler, which is then pumped throughout the floors via tubes. These pipes snake throughout the flooring, radiating thermal energy through materials like tiles, concrete, or wood. Hydronic heating is more efficient than conventional heating and works best at heating larger areas – more typical for whole-house installations rather than room by room. Since hydronic systems require additional parts like a boiler and a pump, the upfront cost of installation can be expensive. However, you can save up to 30% more in operating costs compared to conventional heating systems.
  • Electric radiant floor heating: This type of radiant heating system is powered by electric wires located underneath the flooring. Due to the cost of electricity, warming an entire home with electric radiant heating can quickly become expensive. Therefore, this method is most popular for heating individual rooms, such as a bathroom or bedroom, rather than the whole house. Electric installations heat up floors in about 30-60 minutes and can be set to a schedule, heating your floors in the morning at specific hours – or whenever you need it.

How much does it cost to install?

When it comes down to price, hydronic solutions are a more cost-effective alternative in the long run since the operating costs are lower than electric systems. This is because the water conducts and holds heat more efficiently which lowers the operating time. Hydronic heating systems range from $6-$20 averaging at $13 per square foot for professional installation, while electric heating systems range from $8-$15 averaging at $11 per square foot. 

Electric radiant floor systems are cheaper to install because they are composed of electrical wire mats and do not require additional parts that hydronic systems demand. The rate of installation can vary based on a number of factors. For example, if you already have a boiler or a water heater and the floors are already opened, it will be easier for plumbers to install the heating system. If you are remodeling your home and need to open the floors for install, that will add to the cost of installation. If you have some experience wiring and installing pipework, then a DIY radiant floor heating can cut your prices down significantly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of radiant floor heating?

When contemplating radiant floor heating for your next remodel or home, you’ll want to consider the advantages and disadvantages of radiant floor heating.


  • Silence: When compared to air forced systems, there is little to no noise with radiant floor heating systems. This is because there isn’t a furnace that turns on and/or vents to push the warm air out. 
  • Non-allergenic: Radiant floor heating systems depend on conduction throughout the home through systems in the floors and walls. Since there are no vents or ducts, there is no dust being circulated that could worsen allergies. 
  • Energy efficiency: Without ducts and vents required for the warm air to circulate, radiant heating is much more efficient in keeping your home warm. Traditional heating systems can leak warm air through ducts, forcing you to keep the heat on for longer periods of time. 
  • Consistent heat: Heated floors radiate heat to objects in a room, and because of this, the air temperature stays consistent throughout the areas of your home rather than rising to the ceiling. 
  • Maintenance: Minimal maintenance is required for radiant flooring and most companies that install this type of heating system offer a minimum of a 25-year warranty. 


  • Cost: The costs of radiant floor heating systems overall are dependent on the size of the project and which type of system you opt for. Installation can be expensive when compared to forced air systems – especially if you’re remodeling an existing home. Radiant heating can be made more affordable if installed in only one or two rooms – the bathroom is always a popular choice.
  • Installation: If you are retrofitting an existing home that currently has a forced-air system, the process of installing radiant heating requires removing the existing flooring so the systems can be put in place, all of which will be costly. If you’re building new construction, see if your contractor can work within your budget to install radiant heating throughout your new home.

What types of flooring work best for radiant floor heating systems?

While there are many different types of flooring options compatible with radiant floor heating systems, which one is the most efficient? The most common materials to use with heated flooring are ceramic and stone tile. There are several reasons for this – they conduct heat effectively, and they are a common flooring material in areas where people are most often barefoot. Other popular flooring materials that can be used include vinyl and linoleum, wood, or carpeting. However, keep in mind that if any flooring material has too high of a degree of insulation, your heating system will be less effective.

So, whether you are ready to start your next remodeling project, or looking for houses with heated flooring as a home feature, consider everything that goes into radiant heating so you can choose the best option that fits your needs and keeps you warm and cozy all year round.

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10 Tips to Create the Ultimate Gaming Room

Video games are big. Like $155 billion big. In fact, it’s estimated that 26% of the world’s population are regular video gamers across various platforms. Given these statistics, it is likely you or someone you know is an active video game player.

Video game rooms are a great way to help get more immersed into a game, regardless of the platform. Depending on budget and space, a gaming room can allow you to bring in more computing power, louder and fuller sound, storage for all of your accessories and decals, and can give you an excuse to use that unused room in your home. Whether you’re playing Candy Crush in your bonus room or Fortnite in your small office space, here are 10 gaming room ideas for how to create the ultimate room on any budget.

1) Bring your gaming room idea to life: pick a theme and decide on decor

Before you start purchasing products or ripping down walls, it’s important to decide on an aesthetic or theme for the gaming room. It’s your chance to embrace your favorite game, character, or genre, and manifest your room around that. If you’re using art try to choose art that compliments the game such as a boutique poster and print resource. If you’re framing, make sure the frame contrasts the art – the contrast will make it pop.

Do you like Mario? Try using a lot of reds and yellows, incorporate mushroom décor, and set up lights highlighting cool wall art and posters. Is Zelda your favorite? Focus more on greens and browns, memorabilia, and custom artwork. Fancy Call of Duty? Try embodying realistic art and camouflage colors throughout your room, and make sure your gaming setup is top tier. 

This first step is about brainstorming and being creative with your space. Choose something that you like and run with it. You want to be able to walk into your gaming room and feel inspired by simply being in your space.

2) Ensure you have a reliable internet connection

While this may sound obvious, it’s so important. Most games nowadays require an internet connection to play or at least have certain features that are unusable without one. Having a consistent connection will raise your gaming experience to the next level. 

While one gigabit (Gbps) and even 2 Gbps internet is all the rage nowadays, you don’t actually need very much internet speed to play an online video game. Most people agree that you only need a download speed of 5 Mbps or faster to enjoy the most a game has to offer. Removing the nagging worry of losing connection in the middle of a match or online chat is a huge boost to the effectiveness of your gaming room.

3) Incorporate tabletops, storage, renovation, and customization

Now that you’ve chosen a theme and have your internet all sorted, it’s time to make some larger changes and additions to your gaming room. This is the stage when you can tear down a wall, commission a custom-built desk or storage space, or purchase that desk you’ve had your eye on for months. The entire room is now yours to mold.

Desks: Your desk will likely be a centerpiece of your gaming room, so investing some extra time and money will make your room feel more like your own. There are many routes you can take depending on your space, but some common custom desk styles include:

  • Floating/wall-mounted
  • Standing/adjustable height 
  • Corner
  • Tall
  • Curved

If you have limited space, use a floating desk to allow for more storage. If you have more space, try a longer, curved desk for extra desktops and decals. If you are going the more expensive custom route, you can even incorporate many of the above styles into one unique desk. 

Other furniture options and gaming room customization ideas:

Shelving units, side tables, couches, custom display cases for your memorabilia, TV stands, and mirrors are just some of the other furniture options to consider. There are also countless room customization or renovation possibilities. Add or remove a window or wall, paint the walls, add new carpet, or do anything else your heart desires. 

It’s important you conquer the big projects before moving on to the nitty-gritty. This process will vary widely depending on your budget, but even DIYing a floating shelf can add that extra touch of personality. 

Creating the ultimate gaming room should center around two vital components: comfort and organization. You want to select a comfortable chair with lumbar support for endless fun, and you want to ensure it’s easy to find your games and accessories. A sleek lateral open shelf cabinet allows you to store all your games and extra equipment while sticking with the aesthetic of the room.

4) Choose a perfect gaming seat

You’ll likely spend most of your time here between consoles and your desktop, so it should be the pinnacle of comfort and style. Spending time fidgeting or squirming trying to get comfortable only takes away from your high-level gameplay. 

There are loads of different gaming chair styles to choose from here, ranging from a standard desk chair, to a custom-fitted leather racer chair with magnetic armrests and an adjustable headrest, to a gaming armchair lounger. The main priority should be to get a good chair that will provide support throughout your gaming session. Purchase a chair that keeps you comfortable and allows you to focus for hours on end. Don’t feel the need to overstretch your budget; there are plenty of affordable options that provide comfort and longevity.

 5) Invest in quality displays

You’ll be looking at your displays for hours on end while you game, so choose carefully. There are three general choices to choose from: monitors, televisions, and projectors. Monitors benefit from their smaller size and versatility, while projection screens can enhance your experience by increasing immersion. Not only do projector screens give you a cinematic feel, but they are better for your eyes as well.

Projectors are generally best for much larger rooms and are hard to move from one room to another. TVs are the perfect option for those who like consoles and will be sitting farther away from the screen. However, since monitors tend to be the most popular, let’s take a close look at those. 

When it comes to monitors, there are four general quality aspects to take into account when choosing a monitor for your gaming room:

  • Size: This is the diagonal distance between opposite corners of the screen, i.e. a 13” laptop measures 13” from the top right of the screen to the bottom left. 
  • Resolution: This is what determines the sharpness of the image on your screen. The more pixels your screen has, i.e. 1920 x 1080, the better your resolution will be.
  • Refresh Rates: This describes the frequency that a display updates or “redraws” an onscreen image. The amount of refreshes per second is measured in Hz, i.e. a refresh rate of 144 Hz means the screen refreshes 144 times per second. The higher the better.
  • Price: Prices for monitors range from under $100 to $2000+. While the expensive monitors may look great, the lower end of the spectrum provides more than adequate quality. 

Typically, most would agree that size doesn’t matter as much as resolution or refresh rate, and most games will look great on your standard 1080p, 60Hz monitor. The newer Freesync and G-sync technologies produce better quality images, but are costly. Choose what specs fit your budget, and remember that higher numbers usually yield increasingly insignificant returns in performance.

When choosing a display, think about what type of games you play. Competitive gamers should focus on refresh rate and aim for a 120Hz or 144Hz display to stay ahead of the competition, while role-playing and story gamers should prioritize a 4K resolution for the sharpest graphics.

6) Craft your ultimate hardware setup

Are you a console fan? A desktop dueler? A VR wiz? Regardless, your gaming room needs gaming hardware. Consider a couple of options before splurging on a powerhouse setup. Style and price are also important.

Before you purchase your dream console, or before hiding them behind a cupboard, take your entire room into account. Don’t ignore the console’s or computer’s aesthetic value, and instead work them into the room. A console can be a statement piece that sits on top of a desk or TV unit. A computer can sit prominently, blending into your room’s theme. To level up your gaming room, let your hardware breathe freely.

Numbers are king when it comes to computer performance vs price. Consoles are generally fixed in their performance capabilities, but desktops and laptops can be built with specific specifications in mind. Keep an eye out for these metrics when buying a computer:

RAM/DRAM: Measured in GB, this is where short-term device memory is kept and determines how quickly a computer can function performing multiple tasks. A higher amount of RAM, e.g. 32GB, means that a computer can run multiple demanding tasks at once without reduced performance.

  • Storage: Think of this as long-term memory for your computer. Usually, a computer will have at least 256GB of storage.
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU): CPUs are made up of chips consisting of multiple cores that process most everything that runs your computer. Keep in mind that they can’t run anything on their own, and require quality RAM and storage to operate. Their power is measured in gigahertz (GHz).
  • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): The GPU works in tandem with the CPU to accelerate computer graphics workloads. GPUs can either be built into a computer with the CPU or exist separately, allowing for customization.
  • Cooling capabilities: Demanding workloads result in the computer generating heat. Too much heat will reduce performance and can cause damage. There are a few ways to cool a computer, but the most common are air and liquid coolers.

In general, shoot for middle-of-the-road hardware. That is, unless you want to spend thousands of extra dollars to experience the pinnacle of performance and style. Pre-built computers are more expensive but more convenient. If you have the ability, customize your gaming computer to your heart’s content.

A budget of around $2800 is sufficient for purchasing a setup capable of playing any game and can accommodate streaming, VR, and video editing. For the ultimate gaming experience, consider a $4000+ RTX 3090 powered system. $1800 will provide the full gaming experience at a lower cost, although with reduced graphics capabilities.

7) Decide on a quality sound system

The audio quality that comes directly from a TV or laptop is generally poor. Adding external speakers will improve your audio exponentially. It adds dimensions to your sound that would otherwise be lost. Let’s look into some popular speaker styles.

  • Soundbars: Soundbars are the minimalist, stylish choice. The trade-off here is looks and price for sound quality relative to more traditional speaker styles. These fit easily into any gaming room.
  • Bookshelf speakers: These can be used with soundbars as an addition, or can be their own system. These typically come with more than two speakers and can provide quality surround sound. They can be rigged to provide a large gaming room with resonant sound.
  • Floorstanding speakers: These are usually large and expensive speakers with a powerful, full sound. They are heavy and obtuse, the opposite of soundbars.

Get Bluetooth speakers if possible for versatility, and try to coordinate the speaker style with your gaming room style. Many speakers have the ability to light up and can be custom-built if you’re willing to spend the extra money. 

8) Add soundproofing to your gaming room

Gaming is loud – it’s preferable that way – but you don’t want to get distracted or distract others in your home. Because of this, it’s a good idea to add soundproofing to your gaming room. Many materials and objects provide some soundproofing, but in general, it boils down to five strategies:

  • Soundproof insulation
  • Dampening seals
  • Wall panels
  • Rugs/carpeting/drapes
  • Soundproof paint

If you have the budget for it, include a mix of soundproof paint, thick doors, and custom panels to seamlessly blend strong soundproofing and interesting visuals into your gaming room. Panels and full-wall systems not only help with acoustics but also protect your walls from hits and impacts, and can be customized to your specifications. If you’re on a tighter budget, apply dampening seals on the cracks around your door/s and window/s and use a thick rug. After applying the soundproofing, this space can also double as a podcast space or music studio for you or anyone else in your home.

Whether it’s a basement or a bedroom, the right soundproofing is critically important for a gaming room. Soundproofing needs to serve two purposes: giving you the best possible audio quality inside the room while limiting noise emitting outside. Soundproof panels are a great option because they can be made from recycled materials and are easy to install. – SONOpan, soundproofing and wall modification experts.

9) Stock up on gaming room accessories

Who doesn’t like accessories? Customize your room to your heart’s content with a headset, gaming mouse, mechanical keyboard, figurines, microphones, charging ports, a gaming mouse pad, or whatever else you can think of. If you’re a streamer, make sure to grab a webcam as well. A pair of headphones can elevate any gaming room. To keep things organized, add a sleek and functional headphone stand to display your gaming headset when not in use. If you’re on a budget, just get what accessories are necessary. Anything that costs more than $150 is marginally better than a cheaper option. 

It’s all about the experience, and equipment is key. To help make you the best gamer you can be, you’ll want to find a lightweight mouse that fits your hand perfectly, a fast keyboard so you can make the right plays, and a quality headset to hear subtle sounds.

10) Incorporate lighting 

It’s time to spruce up your room and transform your space with home lighting. We aren’t talking about simple lamps and fluorescents. We’re talking about strip lighting, Bluetooth lightbulbs, backlights, custom-shaped panels, and hanging decals. Lighting can be the perfect addition to help create a gaming atmosphere. Correctly placed lighting not only creates a more aesthetically pleasing experience, it can help with eye strain too. Lighting may seem unnecessary, but it definitely adds to the aesthetic and quality of your room. These lights can also be synced up with your gaming computers, mouse, keyboard, and even headset to weave your entire room together into an RGB LED explosion.

Since all the suggested lighting uses LEDs, which consume less electricity, you’ll be able to save energy at home and avoid racking up your monthly bill. 

Although many people tend to game at night, sitting in the dark can cause headaches and eye strain. Using LED lights with a daylight color temperature can help prevent this. If you don’t want bright lights at all times, dimmable LED lights will allow you to adjust your game room aesthetic.

Your gaming room is your space – your home within your home. By following these 10 gaming room ideas, your room, big or small, will shine. Make it yours, regardless of budget. Above all, be sure to have fun with it.

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