Category Archives: Buying A Home

Key Skills You Need Your Listing Agent To Have

When choosing a listing agent for your real estate needs, there are several key skills and qualities you should look for. Here are some important ones:

  • Market Knowledge
    A good listing agent should deeply understand the local real estate market. They should be familiar with current trends, comparable sales, and the competition in your area. This knowledge will help them price your property accurately and strategically.
  • Marketing Expertise
    Your listing agent should have strong marketing skills to promote and advertise your property effectively. They should be proficient in various marketing channels, such as online listings, social media, photography, and virtual tours. A well-marketed property attracts more potential buyers, increasing your chances of a successful sale.
  • Negotiation Skills
    Negotiating is a crucial aspect of the real estate process. Your agent should be a skilled negotiator who can advocate for your best interests. They should know how to navigate offers, counteroffers, and any potential obstacles during the negotiation process.
  • Communication Skills
    Effective communication is essential in any real estate transaction. Your listing agent should be responsive, keeping you informed and updated throughout the selling process. They should be able to explain complex concepts clearly and address any concerns or questions you may have.
  • Professional Network
    A well-connected agent can tap into their professional network to benefit your listing. They should have relationships with other real estate professionals, such as lenders, home inspectors, and contractors, to streamline the selling process and provide you with reliable referrals.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities
    Real estate transactions can sometimes encounter challenges. Your agent should be resourceful and proactive in finding solutions to any issues that may arise. Their problem-solving skills will ensure a smoother transaction and minimize stress for you as the seller.

Scott and Mary Tynell, professional real estate agents, possess key skills to enhance your chances of a successful and profitable home sale. Contact them today!

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Causes of Buyer’s Remorse After Buying a House

Buyer’s remorse, a feeling of regret or doubt after making a significant purchase, can sometimes occur after buying a house. Here are some common causes of buyer’s remorse in the context of homeownership:

  1. Financial strain: One of the main causes of buyer’s remorse is financial stress. If the cost of homeownership, including mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance, is higher than anticipated, it can lead to regret. It’s important to carefully consider your budget and future expenses before purchasing a home to ensure you can comfortably afford it.
  2. Unexpected repairs or maintenance: Sometimes, after moving into a new home, unexpected repairs or maintenance issues arise. These unforeseen expenses can lead to regret if they strain your budget or require significant time and effort. Conducting thorough inspections and getting a home warranty can help mitigate this risk.
  3. Unrealistic expectations: Buyer’s remorse can occur when the reality of homeownership doesn’t meet your expectations. Whether it’s the size of the property, the neighborhood, or the condition of the home, it’s essential to have realistic expectations and conduct thorough research before making a purchase.
  4. Emotional decision-making: Making a home purchase based primarily on emotions, such as falling in love with the aesthetics or feeling pressured to buy, can lead to regret later. It’s important to balance emotions with rational decision-making and consider practical factors such as location, future needs, and resale potential.
  5. Buyer’s market changes: Market conditions can impact buyer’s remorse. If housing prices decline shortly after purchasing, buyers may regret not waiting or negotiating a better deal. However, it’s important to remember that real estate is a long-term investment, and market fluctuations are normal.
  6. Relationship changes or lifestyle shifts: Changes in personal circumstances, such as a job loss, divorce, or a desire to relocate, can lead to buyer’s remorse. Life changes can impact the suitability of a home and cause regret if it no longer aligns with your needs or goals.

To minimize the risk of buyer’s remorse, take your time during the home-buying process. Conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and consider all aspects of homeownership. Working with a reputable real estate agent like Scott and Mary Tynell who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions is also advisable.

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Get Ready for Smaller, More Affordable Homes

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards smaller, more affordable homes. This shift is influenced by various factors, including changing demographics, economic conditions, and evolving lifestyle preferences. Here are a few reasons why smaller, more affordable homes are gaining popularity:

Affordability: With rising housing costs, many prospective homebuyers are looking for more affordable options. Smaller homes typically come with a lower price tag, making them more accessible to first-time buyers or those on a tighter budget.

Minimalism and Sustainability: The minimalist movement has gained traction in recent years, with people embracing the idea of living with less and reducing their environmental footprint. Smaller homes align with this ethos, as they require fewer resources to build and maintain.

Aging Population and Empty Nesters: As the population ages, some homeowners are downsizing to smaller homes that are easier to maintain and navigate. Empty nesters, whose children have moved out, often find that a smaller home better suits their needs and lifestyle.

Urbanization and Density: In many urban areas, there is a focus on promoting higher-density development to accommodate growing populations. Smaller homes, such as townhouses or condos, allow for more efficient use of limited space in urban environments.

Changing Household Structures: The traditional nuclear family is evolving, with more single-person households, couples without children, and multi-generational living arrangements. Smaller homes can be a practical choice for these non-traditional household structures.

It’s important to note that the demand for smaller homes may vary by location and market conditions. Scott and Mary Tynell informed about local trends and preferences to best serve their clients. 

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The Value of an Agent When Buying Your New Construction Home

When buying a new construction home, you might wonder if you need a real estate agent. While it’s true that you can directly work with the builder or their sales representative, there are several reasons why having Scott and Mary Tynell  as real estate agents can be valuable:

Expertise and Guidance: Scott and Mary Tynell have a deep understanding of the local market, including new construction developments. They can provide valuable insights into the builder’s reputation, quality of construction, and comparable home prices in the area. Their expertise can help you make informed decisions and negotiate the best terms and prices for your new home.

Negotiation and Advocacy: Scott and Mary Tynell can act as your advocate and negotiate on your behalf. They have experience in dealing with builders and can help you navigate the complex process of selecting options, upgrades, and financing. They can also review contracts and ensure your best interests are protected throughout the transaction.

Assistance with Documentation and Contracts: Buying a new construction home involves a significant amount of paperwork and contracts. Scott and Mary Tynell can help you understand and navigate these documents, ensuring that you are fully aware of the terms and conditions of the purchase. They can also review warranties and advise you on any potential issues or concerns.

Home Inspections and Due Diligence: While new construction homes are typically inspected by the builder, having Scott and Mary Tynell can provide an additional layer of protection. They can recommend independent home inspectors who will conduct thorough inspections to identify potential issues before you close the property.

Continued Support: Even after the purchase agreement is signed, Scott and Mary Tynell can assist with any issues or concerns that may arise during the construction process. They can communicate with the builder on your behalf, ensuring that your questions are answered and any necessary changes or repairs are addressed.

It’s important to note that in most cases, the builder will cover the cost of the buyer’s agent commission, meaning you can benefit from the expertise and guidance of Scott and Mary Tynell at no additional cost to you.

Overall, having Scott and Mary Tynell by your side when buying a new construction home can provide valuable support, guidance, and advocacy. Scott and Mary Tynell can help you make informed decisions, navigate potential challenges, and ensure a smooth transaction from start to finish.

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Evaluating Your Wants and Needs as a Homebuyer

When entering the homebuying process, it is important to evaluate and prioritize your wants and needs. This will help you focus your search, save time, and make informed decisions. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Budget: Determine your budget by assessing your finances, including your income, savings, and expenses. This will help you understand how much you can afford to spend on a home, including the down payment, mortgage payments, and ongoing homeownership costs.
  2. Location: Consider the location that best suits your lifestyle and needs. Think about proximity to work, schools, amenities, transportation, and any other factors that are important to you. Research the neighborhoods you are interested in to ensure they align with your preferences and requirements.
  3. Size and Layout: Evaluate your space requirements, including the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and overall square footage. Consider your current needs, as well as any future plans that may impact your space requirements, such as starting a family or working from home.
  4. Property Type: Determine the type of property that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Options include single-family homes, condominiums, townhouses, or multi-family properties. Each type has its own advantages and considerations, so weigh the pros and cons based on your needs.
  5. Features and Amenities: Make a list of the features and amenities that are essential to you. This could include a specific architectural style, a backyard, a garage, a swimming pool, or a specific layout. Differentiate between must-haves and nice-to-haves to help prioritize your search.
  6. Condition and Renovation Potential: Consider whether you prefer a move-in ready home or if you’re open to doing renovations or updates. Assess your comfort level with potential repairs or remodeling projects and factor that into your search.
  7. Resale Value: While it’s important to focus on your current needs, it’s also wise to consider the potential resale value of the property. Look for factors such as the neighborhood’s desirability, property appreciation trends, and any upcoming developments that may impact the value.
  8. Lifestyle Factors: Think about your lifestyle and how the home will support it. Consider factors such as outdoor space, proximity to parks or recreational areas, access to amenities like gyms or shopping centers, and any specific requirements related to your hobbies or interests.

By evaluating and prioritizing your wants and needs, you can streamline your home search and make informed decisions. It is important to stay flexible and open to adjustments along the way, as your priorities may evolve during the process. Working with a knowledgeable real estate agent can also help you navigate your options and find a home that meets your criteria.

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Essential Home Repairs: A Guide for Homeowners

Keeping a home in good condition requires regular maintenance and occasional repairs. As a homeowner, understanding the essential home repairs can save you time, money, and potential headaches down the road. In this blog post, we will explore some common home repairs that every homeowner should be familiar with.

  1. Plumbing Repairs: A leaky faucet, clogged drain, or running toilet are common plumbing issues that homeowners encounter. Knowing how to fix these minor plumbing problems can prevent water wastage and avoid costly repairs. We will discuss simple solutions and when to call a professional plumber.
  2. Electrical Repairs: Faulty wiring or malfunctioning electrical fixtures can be dangerous and should be addressed promptly. We will provide guidance on basic electrical repairs, such as replacing a light switch or installing a ceiling fan. However, it’s important to emphasize the importance of hiring a licensed electrician for complex electrical work.
  3. Roof Repairs: A well-maintained roof is crucial for protecting your home from the elements. From replacing damaged shingles to fixing leaks, we will discuss some common roof repairs that homeowners may encounter. We will also highlight the importance of regular roof inspections to identify potential issues before they become major problems.
  4. HVAC Repairs: A properly functioning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. We will provide tips on troubleshooting common HVAC problems, such as uneven cooling or heating issues. However, it’s important to note that complex HVAC repairs should be left to certified technicians.
  5. Structural Repairs: Over time, homes may experience structural issues, such as foundation cracks or sagging floors. We will discuss signs of potential structural problems and provide guidance on when to seek professional help. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your home.

Bottom Line
By familiarizing yourself with essential home repairs, you can become a proactive homeowner and tackle minor issues before they escalate into major problems. Remember, while some repairs can be handled independently, it’s important to recognize when it’s time to call in a professional. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs will not only keep your home in good condition but also help preserve its value in the long run.

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Can a Buyer Inspect a Home Without a Seller’s Permission?

Here’s the scenario: Your house is on the market, and you have interested buyers, but they are concerned about the roof. Maybe your home has a bit of damage from the last storm, but it’s nothing major. Still, a potential buyer sends a roofer to check things out without your approval. Sending a professional to somehow inspect the condition of your home unannounced may seem a bit bold on the buyer’s part. Can a potential buyer send someone—be it a roofer, inspector, or contractor—to inspect a home or snoop around outside without the seller’s consent? Here’s what the experts have to say about this sticky situation.

Your rights as a homeowner

Whether or not you’re selling your home, you have certain rights as a property owner. These laws may vary by state, but generally, anyone coming onto your property without your permission could be considered a trespasser, in accordance with your local statutes. If a potential buyer (or an inspector hired by the buyer) wants to stop by and take a peek at your roof or anything else, written approval from the seller is required. Inspecting the house for purchase, formal inspections, and the steps for a resolution to those inspections should always be in writing. And all parties should have committed to and agreed to the inspections and their resolutions. The formality of inspections varies by state, but sellers have the right to approve or deny any inspection requests and resolutions to inspections.

Professionals should know not to trespass

Paul Ryll, a residential appraiser and co-founder of Oscar Mike Mobile Appraisals, won’t go anywhere near a property without permission. “By law, I am not allowed on the subject’s property without the owner of record’s permission, regardless of the type of appraisal assignment or who my client may be,” says Ryll. Appraisers and inspectors are responsible for confirming they have permission to be at a house—whether inside or out—with the homeowner.

What if you’re using a dual agent?

A dual agent is an agent that represents both the seller and the buyer in the same real estate transaction. In such a transaction, there may be concern about the dual agent representing both sides fairly. Could the dual agent send the buyer or an inspector to the house without the seller’s approval? The answer is no. A dual agent must follow the rules that govern home inspections. Having a dual agent has no bearing in this case as we all have to abide by the law. It’s always unlawful to enter a property without the property owner’s permission. If an inspector shows up on your doorstep with your agent—and you didn’t give the agent permission—it’s time to revisit your dual agency agreement. If you feel as though you are not receiving fiduciary care from your agent, you can always seek out help from your agent’s broker or the local real estate commission.

What about an inspection during a showing?

The low housing inventory, competitive seller’s market, and limited showings due to COVID-19 restrictions have prompted some buyers to forgo inspections to gain a competitive edge. But waiving an inspection could have costly implications for the buyer. Concerned Realtors and inspectors started working toward solutions that made sense for both sides of the transaction. One of those solutions was pre-offer inspections. Agents and inspectors often schedule 30-minute inspections within the time frame of a house showing. This offers insight into those big-ticket items for a buyer prior to writing an offer. Often, the inspector will credit the cost of that 30-minute inspection toward a full inspection after an offer is accepted. Still, an inspector can’t come to the showing with a buyer and nose around without permission. It’s a matter of coordinating between buyer and seller, but it does happen more often than you’d think. The buyer’s agent has to request a showing but note that it is for an inspection in the request.

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Should you go to an open house even if you’re not ready to buy?

With all of the listing sites available, browsing homes online can become addictive. Even if you’re not in the market to buy or sell a home, you may find yourself scanning the internet for homes that you do not intend to buy or are completely out of your price range. Not only does this help past the time, but it’s also an exhilarating pastime. But, instead of just simply perusing the web for a home, why not visit them? If you think you need a realtor to go to an open house or you have to be in the market to buy a home to attend, think again. Attending an open house can be a beneficial endeavor for your future home-buying experience. So before you discount the idea, here are a few things to consider.

Is it okay to attend an open house without a realtor?

You might be wondering, “Do I need a realtor to go to an open house?” The first thing that may deter you from going to an open house is that you think you need to go with an agent. While many buyer’s agents recommend booking with them ahead of time to visit a home, realtors are used to prospective buyers stopping by open houses all the time. An open house allows prospective buyers to see what’s available without any pressure to buy. So, if you’re not ready to partner with an agent, it’s completely okay to attend open houses alone.

Discover what you can afford

The homes you’re attracted to and what homes you can afford might be two completely different things. Often, first-time homebuyers don’t get a good idea of what they can afford until they are deep into the home-buying process. They might be searching for something that doesn’t even exist. Therefore, the sooner you can understand what types of homes are available within your price range, the better chance you have of successfully finding a home that matches your expectations and budget.

Visiting open houses can help you discover what you can and cannot afford. While you can type in a price range online, the photos and experience of visiting the home might be quite different from the listing. Getting up close and personal with homes that may interest you will give you a better idea of what to expect when you start the home-buying process. This way, you won’t be disappointed and discouraged when you start looking for your perfect home.

Check out the competition

The number of guests attending an open house can indicate how fast you need to make an offer when you find a home you’re interested in. It can also tell you how you need to price your home to have it sell quickly. While some housing markets can allow a few days to make a decision, others may only give you a few hours to submit your offer. If you pay close attention to the other buyers at the open house, you may gather some intel about what type of home buyer the seller is looking for. Even though this may not matter now since you don’t intend to purchase the home, it may help you later when you’re ready to submit an offer. The more information you can gather, the better you’ll be able to navigate your home-buying process.

See realtors in action

Even if you don’t identify the home of your dreams, you might be able to connect with a realtor who can help you find your dream home. Visiting open houses gives you the perfect opportunity to interview candidates, without them even knowing you are looking for an agent. This gives you the ability to see how different realtors represent their clients and if they might be suitable for your needs. Be aware of how the realtor interacts with you upon your arrival. Do they greet you, or are they too busy to give you the time of day? You should also come with insightful questions about the market to determine how knowledgeable the agent is.

Observe home design trends

Generally, sellers try to make a great first impression when hosting an open house. Some sellers may even make some updates or hire a staging company before they list their homes. Sellers tend to rely on the guidance of their realtor or the design trends happening within the market. Therefore, when you attend an open house, you can get an idea of what home designs you’ll see. It will give you an idea of what you’re attracted to and things you may look for when buying a home. Also, it may give you some inspiration for updates to your current home that will make it feel like new.

Get familiar with neighborhoods that interest you

Buying a home is about more than the property itself. It’s important to find a home and community that suits your lifestyle. For example, if you want to start a family, you may want to buy a home in a good school district with parks close by. Therefore, this is the perfect time to start learning about nearby communities that could be a match for your needs. You can begin by observing the residents and vibe of the communities you’re interested in a few months before you start the home buying process.

Learn more about your needs

Often, it’s challenging to know what you truly want in a property before you start searching for a home. For instance, how many bedrooms do you want? Are you okay with a first-floor master? What amenities are you looking for? Viewing other homes will give you an idea of different layouts and amenities that interest you.

The bottom line

Sure, you may feel nosey or that you’re intruding. However, regardless of whether you’re buying or selling a home, you should visit a few open houses. You don’t need to bring a realtor. Just hop in your car or take a walk down the street to get a better idea of what you can afford and what homes make sense for your lifestyle.

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Top 10 Reasons to Buy a Home

Why should you buy a home? Well, it’s hard to say without knowing a few details about your individual situation, but the below list will seek to cover some of the best reasons one might decide to become a homeowner.

10. It’s yours.
Seems simple enough but think of the greater implications of that particular statement. If you want to paint zebra stripes on your wall, turn your garden shed into an Airbnb, or do laundry at 3 a.m., there will be no one to stop you. It’s your home. Your investment.

9. Personal Finance.
Most first-time homebuyers are astounded to learn just how little money is truly needed to get to the closing table. There are so many different programs, loans, and services to help first-time buyers succeed in their goal of homeownership, without the need for the assets or equity that a seasoned buyer might have at their disposal. There’s also the cost of the monthly mortgage payment itself. Another shocking revelation for a lot of people is the fact that their mortgage payment is often comparable to or even less than a month’s rent. Plus, you’ll have the benefit of a fixed rate, so you don’t have to worry about a large increase in your monthly payment. Yes, you might have to cut the grass and you’ll be on the hook for repairs but any work or improvements you do to the home are likely to work in your favor on a resell. When you rent, you’re essentially making someone else’s mortgage payment. This means you get neither the risk nor the reward of ownership.

8. Its investment potential.
We may have touched on this a little in the previous couple of paragraphs, but it bears repeating: when you make improvements to a property you own, you’re setting yourself up for a bigger payout down the line if you choose to rent out or sell. Whether you’re buying your primary residence, a potential rental, or a flip, there’s a lot of opportunity to build equity and personal wealth.

7. The market is right for it.
There are simply times in history when buying is the absolute best decision you can make. Let’s look at interest rates for example. The average interest rate for a 30-year loan is hovering at around 7% right now. Yes, that’s higher than where things were this time last year. However, it’s still much lower than the historical high of just under 19%, in 1981. In the year 2000, they were at about 8.5%. Worst case scenario: pay your mortgage on time, build some equity, and carefully manage your consumer credit and you can always refinance for a lower percentage rate later on.

6. It’s the right time in your life.
If you’ve been thinking about buying a home for some time, it feels right, and you have the means and support to do so, why not? Your local trusted REALTOR can help you address any lingering questions and concerns you may have. Even if you’re not ready to say, “yes,” why not see what’s available? You have nothing to lose.

5. You need more space.
If you own your property, you won’t have to fight for a parking space or access to extra storage for items inconvenient to store in your unit like a bicycle, motorcycle, kayak, ladder, etc. Plus, if you’re marrying, taking a roommate, or expanding your family, you might need an extra bedroom or two. Find the home that best suits your needs while keeping your monthly expenses under budget.

4. It’s an experience.
While it may seem irresponsible to make such a large purchase purely for the experience of doing so, you can certainly learn a lot from homeownership. If you’ve always wanted to try your hand at drywalling, stone masonry, carpeting, minor electrical and plumbing, painting, flooring, roofing, decking, or landscaping, there’s a good chance you’ll be getting acquainted with a little bit of all of it in your first home! The good news? You learn some new skills or at least enough to patch things up while waiting for the professionals to do a proper fix. Of course, if you get really good at something you can save money with a little old-fashioned DIY. Owning a home almost certainly guarantees a unique and rewarding experience.

3. Stability.
Maybe you’re just tired of moving or you really want to settle down in one place and build a stable life. You might be tempted to relate homeownership to an anchor, keeping you held in place, but what if you want to be held in place? If you like the neighborhood, you like the town, or you just adore the house and you can see yourself living there when you’re 25 and when you’re 85, maybe it’s time to commit to it. No one really knows what life has waiting around the corner and there are always refinancing or selling options. However, if all things go according to plan and you can’t stand the thought of toting your vinyl record collection up another set of stairs, there’s nothing wrong with settling down.

2. The available support.
There are a lot of great REALTORS and support tools out there to help you assess your homebuyer priorities. Sometimes, just speaking to the right person can be enough to help you make a decision one way or another. They’ll show you the ins and outs of homeownership and connect you with affiliates who provide services in financing, settlement, closing, and insurance. When you’re your own personal advocate, the process can feel tedious, daunting, and even impossible. Getting that critical support might be all it takes to change your mind about everything.

1. The market is coming back, big time.
That’s right. Don’t let the unprecedented market fluctuations that have defined the post-Covid era deter you from achieving your goal of homeownership. It’s not 2021 anymore. Buyers began to hesitate as homes entered and left the market in hours with offers well above the asking price. What we’re seeing now is a market correction of sorts. Homebuyers are much more likely to have successful bids. If projections hold true, the market is going to take off toward the end of the year. Why wait until then when the competition is up again? If you’ve been thinking about making a move, the board is all yours.

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How to Make Your Best Offer on a Home

Making the right offer is crucial when you have your eye on a home.  Offer too little, and you may get passed over for the next buyer. Offer too much, and you may need to reevaluate your budget for furnishings or upgrades. This can be one of the most challenging parts of buying a new property.  Want to make sure you have a strong offer at a price you can afford? Here’s what you might offer above, below, and at the listing price.

  • At List Price: A home that’s within your budget, move-in ready, and comes with all the amenities you want could be worth an offer at the listing price. But you’ll want to make sure there’s not much competition for the property.
  • Below List Price: Does the home need serious work? If so, you may want to offer below the selling price. In this case, bidding less money could free up cash for future repairs and necessary upgrades. You can also try a lower offer if there are tons of homes listed in your area (but little demand for them). Get in touch to learn about the properties for sale in your desired neighborhood.
  • Above List Price: You may want to go beyond the listing price if you’re in a particularly active market or you know you’re up against several buyers. Together, we can determine what other homes in the area are going for, and we’ll make sure your best offer aligns with those bids.

Ready for a new home (and don’t want to overspend)? Reach out today! Scott and Mary, real estate professionals can begin looking for a property that’s perfect for you and your family.

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